About us
Fertility, conception, pregnancy and birth are all very personal matters. By the same token they’re all part of the natural scheme of things, and can bring real joy and satisfaction to all involved. Yes, there are challenges – but there are real, natural solutions to those challenges. That’s why it’s important that the people behind the myWonder solution are all dedicated, experienced and truly engaged individuals.
SIMONA – myWonder co-founder and principal consultant, PhD, is just such an individual.Simona is a certified natural family planning advisor. She’s also a wife, a happy mother of five, and is dedicated to helping women take control of everything related to their fertility, cycles and overall personal health.As a professional fertility awareness educator she has been helping couples get where they want to be for more than 10 years; and has successfully consulted with more than 200 women and couples to date.
KLARA – Youth Empowerment Ambassador for Sensiplan and Social Media Expert. She is a passionate advocate for the Sensiplan Method, inspiring young individuals to engage with their bodies and make informed choices about contraception and conception. Through engaging social media content, Klara sparks conversations about fertility awareness and empowers young adults to take control of their reproductive health. Join Klara on her mission to revolutionize how young people perceive their bodies and navigate their reproductive choices with myWonder.
MATIJA – Finance Manager, Responsible for financial management and accounting.
NEJC – IT Specialist, providing technical assistance and troubleshooting
We can help you
Our team will take care of you!